34 photos   2953 visits

member since 31 March 2011

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Hey. My name`s Chelsea Staub . I am new here <3 ILY
About me : - <3
I signed up for a summer "That`s Entertainment" camp where I met Marilyn Carroll, the camp director. Though I loved doing shows and was comfortable in the ensemble, I would always chicken out when it came time to audition for the lead roles. Marilyn pushed me out of my comfort zone when she cast me as "Annie," and I don`t think I would have continued this path without her. With the confidence she gave me, I began to try out for bigger roles and eventually landed a Broadway tour with Tom Bosley. While rehearsing and performing with this amazingly talented cast, I realized I had "found my people" and this was what I wanted to do with my life.
For nine years, I did show after show and camp after camp while enjoying school activities and remaining a full-time student. There were countless nights when I was doing homework in the wings between song and dance numbers. But I still wanted more! At 15, I finally convinced my parents to take me to Los Angeles during my fall break to audition for something - ANYTHING! They agreed, thinking I would see how hard it was and would quit bugging them about it. As luck would have it, I booked a role on a TV series. and so it began.

- Bye my dears -
Hey <3
Hey <3
ILY :)
ILY :)
Aww @ The picture that really is hilarious
Aww @ The picture that really is hilarious
What is your opinion ?- How do I sit ?
What is your opinion ?- How do I sit ?
Party - Dance \
Party - Dance \
w\ Debbs
w\ Debbs
Peace @ Rock
Peace @ Rock
Life <3
Life <3
LoL =]]
LoL =]]

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